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1-3-114 「國立臺北大學人社標竿計畫」期中成果發表(一):當代台灣青年數位生活與教育取得
場次簡介/ Description: 


主持人/ Chair:陳婉琪(國立臺北大學社會學系教授)

發表人/ Presenter梁展章(國立臺北大學社學系副教授)
題目/ Title:Becoming-fictosexual: Romantic relationship and attachment to fictional characters from the posthumanist perspective

With the growing popularity of the virtual world, an increasing number of people have become attracted to the fictional characters they encounter in animation, comics, and video games (ACG). Sometimes, attraction can evolve into “strong and lasting feelings of love, infatuation, or desire” towards some fictional characters and this is referred to as fictosexuality or fictophilia (Karhulahti & Välisalo, 2021, p. 1). The popularity of computers and electronic devices with human-like interfaces promotes an emotional affinity between users and devices (Han & Yang, 2018). Recent interactive entertainment, including alternate reality games and dynamic conversation systems in computer games, have made relationships with fictional characters similar to those of actual human beings (Brackin, 2013). In particular, these computer games allow players to control their avatars and interact with items and characters in the game, further encouraging parasocial interaction and relationships with game characters (Jin & Park, 2009). However, in the allonormative and anthropocentric world, fictosexuality is often considered abnormal because of its imaginary nature and stigmatised as an effect of addiction to ACG in contemporary popular culture. Liebers and Schramm (2019) reviewed studies on one-way bonds established between an individual and a character since 1956. They discovered that many of these studies carried a negative nuisance towards parasocial relationships, considering them problematic, and focusing on the negative psychological characteristics of individuals engaged in them (Liebers & Schramm, 2019). In sum, past studies often consider the intense feeling towards fictional characters pathological (Karhulahti & Välisalo, 2021).
This paper intends to examine the engagement of romantic and sexual attractions and the relationship with fictional characters from the posthumanist perspective. The Posthuman theory points out that the boundary between human embodiment and technology has been blurred and that the anthropocentric assumption that supports asymmetrical relations between humans and nonhumans can no longer be sustained (Åsberg and Braidotti, 2018; Hayles, 1997). According to this interpretation, fictosexual relationships are as valid as all allosexual relationships and carry with them the potential to transform our conception and practice of (allonormative and anthropocentric) intimacy. Through in-depth interviews with 20 young adults in Taiwan, who self-identified as fictosexual or were engaged in romantic relationships with fictional characters from ACG, this paper employs the concept of assemblage (Deleuze and Guattari, 2004) to reveal the productive effects of fictosexual relationships in these young people’s life goals and human relationships (friendship, romantic relationship, familial relationship). In addition, this paper discusses how the hegemony of compulsory sexuality towards humans (Matsuura, 2020) and the ontological difference between inter-human relationships and fictosexual relationship induce fictosexual individuals to be conscious and analytical of their romantic and sexual feelings.
Keywords: Fictosexuality; posthumanism; digital intimacy; assemblage theory


發表人/ Presenter王淑貞(教育制度及政策研究中心助理研究員)



發表人/ Presenter



發表人/ Presenter陳易甫(國立臺北大學社會學系副教授)

  過往的研究已經將青少年螢幕使用時間(screen time)的長短連結至青少年生理與心理健康。特別是在數位時代下,青少年網路及手機使用的時間與其認知與情緒問題有所關連。過往研究指出,青少年待在網路空間越久,越有可能與現實世界疏離,而這可能影響其作息時間的規律,進而影響其認知及情緒的狀況。除了使用的時間外,青少年參與社交性的網站(如Instagram、twitter、抖音等)已經是常態。一方面,這讓他們能夠即時的與同學與朋友進行互動或是無時差的追蹤他們有興趣的影音、消息與新聞。然而,另一方面,這樣的即時性也同時切割著他們可用的時間,進而影響到他們日常的活動。晚近,學者將這種需要面對網路上無止盡資訊的吸引及社交網站上無止盡的通知所造成的心理與社會心理上的壓力,稱為數位壓力(digital stress; Steele et al., 2020)。這樣的數位壓力伴隨著青少年身心發展及環境脈絡的轉變,很有可能對其生活習慣與作息造成影響。特別是,為了要應付社交網站上的新通知、朋友所送來的訊息、朋友張貼的訊息及本身所關注的KOL的動態,青少年需要從有限可用的時間中找到一個平衡。而那些無法找到平衡的青少年,就很有可能受到「數位壓力過載」的影響,發展出心理與生理問題。這個研究將使用「臺灣數位世代青少年的成長歷程追蹤研究」的資料來探討當代台灣青少年數位平台之使用與其心理福祉之間的關連,並探究數位壓力是否中介數位平台使用與心理福祉之間的關連。